Brussels, 19 June - During its latest plenary, the Members of the European Data Protection Board (EDPB) elected Zdravko Vukić, Director of the Croatian Personal Data Protection Agency, as Deputy Chair. Vukić replaces Aleid Wolfsen (Chair of the Dutch Data Protection Authority), who has reached the end of his five-year mandate as EDPB Deputy Chair.
Over the coming years, Zdravko Vukić, together with fellow Deputy Chair Irene Loizidou Nikolaidou, will work closely together with EDPB Chair Anu Talus to ensure the consistent application of EU data protection rules and to promote effective cooperation among data protection authorities throughout the European Economic Area (EEA).
EDPB Deputy Chair Zdravko Vukić said:
“I am honoured and thankful to be elected EDPB Deputy Chair. The EDPB is a prominent and influential EU decision-making body, which plays a key role in shaping a digital society that is in line with EU common values.
All EDPB Members work together closely to raise awareness of GDPR at both national and EU levels, to empower individuals to exercise their rights and help companies, including small businesses, understand their compliance obligations.
In the years to come, I will make it my responsibility as Deputy Chair to continue pursuing these objectives and I will be committed to enhancing enforcement cooperation to address emerging challenges with innovative approaches and tools.
In order to deliver these results, we have to ensure that the DPAs and the EDPB Secretariat, serving as crucial link between authorities, are adequately staffed. As Deputy Chair, I will devote special attention and time to this crucial aspect too.”
EDPB Chair Anu Talus said:
“I would like to thank outgoing Deputy Chair Aleid Wolfsen for his commitment and contribution over the past years, which helped us as a Board to grow together and achieve excellent results.
I also look forward to working with Deputy Chair Zdravko Vukić to face the challenge of the increasing number of tasks of the EDPB.”
While it is already common practice for the EDPB to hold a public consultation after the adoption of the first version of guidelines, the Board decided it may also consult stakeholders prior to the preparation of guidelines on a case-by-case basis.
This prior consultation will enable the EDPB to take on stakeholders’ comments, questions and practical examples during the initial drafting period.
Note to editors:
About Deputy Chair Zdravko Vukić:
Zdravko Vukić serves as Director of the Croatian Personal Data Protection Agency. He was appointed for the first time in 2020 and in, February 2024, he was re-elected for another four-year term.
Previously, from 2005 to 2016, he served as a Chief Human Resources Officer in charge of the organisation's employees and legal affairs. Between 2008 and 2016, he held the position of Data Protection Officer. From 2016 to 2020, he held the role of Assistant Minister at the Ministry of Construction and Physical Planning.
Zdravko Vukić is also a guest lecturer on personal data protection at various faculties in Croatia and is a member of the National Cybersecurity Council. He has also been involved in the EU initiative for institutional cooperation between Public Administrations of EU Member States and non-EU countries.
Under his guidance, the Croatian Personal Data Protection Agency organised the Spring Conference of the European Supervisory Authorities in 2022, a platform for cooperation among European data protection regulatory bodies. He also played a key role in the implementation of the EU-funded projects ARC I and ARCII aimed to support small and medium-sized enterprises in aligning with the GDPR.
About the Chair and Deputy Chair election procedure:
According to Art.73 GDPR, the Board elects one Chair and two Deputy Chairs amongst its members by simple majority and through a secret ballot. Their term of office must be five years, renewable once, starting from the day of their elections.
The mandate of the new Deputy Chair Zdravko Vukić will normally end on 19 June 2029.
EDPB Chair Anu Talus and Deputy Chair Irene Loizidou Nikolaidou were elected on 25 May 2023.