Brussels, 15 March - The European Data Protection Board has kicked off its 2023 coordinated enforcement action. Throughout the year, 26 Data Protection Authorities (DPA) across the EEA (including EDPS) will take part in the CEF 2023 on the designation and position of data protection officers (DPOs).
As intermediaries between DPAs, individuals and the business units of an organisation, data protection officers have an essential role in contributing to compliance with data protection law and promoting effective protection of data subject rights.
To gauge whether DPOs have the position in their organisations required by Art. 37-39 GDPR and the resources needed to carry out their tasks, participating DPAs will implement the CEF at national level in a number of ways:
- DPOs will be sent questionnaires to aid fact-finding exercise or questionnaires to identify if a formal investigation is warranted;
- commencement of a formal investigation;
- follow-up of ongoing formal investigations.
The results of the joint initiative will be analysed in a coordinated manner and the DPAs will decide on possible further national supervision and enforcement actions. In addition, results will be aggregated, generating deeper insight into the topic and allowing targeted follow-up at EU level. The EDPB will publish a report on the outcome of this analysis once the actions are concluded.
This series of actions is the second initiative under the Coordinated Enforcement Framework (CEF). CEF initiatives aim to streamline enforcement and cooperation among Data Protection Authorities (DPAs).
In 2022, the topic of choice was the use of cloud services by the public sector. A report on the findings of this first CEF initiative was published on 18 January 2023.
For further information:
- Belgian SA: L’APD participe à l’action coordonnée européenne sur le DPO (FR), GBA neemt deel aan de Europese gecoördineerde actie inzake de DPO (NL), The Belgian DPA participates in the EDPB coordinated action on the DPO (EN)
- Cypriot SA: Επιτρόπου Προστασίας Δεδομένων Προσωπικού Χαρακτήρα To Γραφείο συμμετέχει στη συντονισμένη δράση του ΕΣΠΔ σχετικά με τον ρόλο των Υπευθύνων Προστασίας Δεδομένων (ΥΠΔ) (EL), The Commissioner’s Office participates in the EDPB’s coordinated action with regard to the role of Data protection Officers (DPOs) (EN)
- Czech SA: Zahájena společná dozorová akce EDPB - CEF 2023 (CS), CEF 2023, joint supervisory action launched (EN)
- Croatian SA: Početak koordinirane provedbe EDPB-a vezano za ulogu službenika za zaštitu podataka (HR), EDPB: launch of coordinated enforcement on role of data protection officers (EN)
- German SA: Koordinierte Prüfung zu Stellung und Aufgaben von Datenschutzbeauftragten (DE), Launch of coordinated enforcement on role of data protection officers (EN)
- Estonian SA: Eesti osaleb üleeuroopalises avaliku ja erasektori andmekaitsespetsialistide rolli ühisjärelevalves (ET), Estonia participates in the pan-European role of public and private data protection officers in joint supervision (EN).
- Spanish SA: La AEPD participa en una acción europea coordinada para analizar la designación y situación de los delegados de protección de datos (ES), AEPD participates in a coordinated European action to analyse the designation and position of data protection Officers (EN)
- French SA: Délégués à la protection des données : la CNIL et ses homologues européens procèdent à une série de contrôles (FR)
- Finnish SA: Tietosuojavaltuutetun toimisto selvittää tietosuojavastaavien asemaa Suomessa – selvitys on osa Euroopan tietosuojaneuvoston yhteistä toimenpidettä (FI), Dataombudsmannens byrå utreder ställningen för dataskyddsombud i Finland – utredningen är en del av Europeiska dataskyddsstyrelsens gemensamma åtgärd (SV), The Office of the Data Protection Ombudsman will investigate the position of Data Protection Officers in Finland – the investigation is a part of a coordinated action by the European Data Protection Board (EN)
- Hungarian SA: Közlemény az Európai Adatvédelmi Testület által a 2023. évre prioritásként meghatározott, az adatvédelmi tisztviselők szerepére fókuszáló összehangolt fellépés tényleges megkezdéséről (HU), Press release on the 2023 coordinated enforcement action of the European Data Protection Board focusing on the role of data protection officers (EN)
- Italian SA: GDPR: focus dei Garanti europei sul ruolo dei responsabili della protezione dei dati (IT)
- Liechtensteiner SA: Europäische Initiative zur Benennung und Stellung von Datenschutzbeauftragten (LI), European initiative on the designation and position of data protection officers (LI)
- Latvian SA: EDAK uzsāk koordinētu datu aizsardzības speciālistu institūta pārbaudi (LV)
- Portuguese SA: O papel dos EPD no centro da ação coordenada ue para 2023 (PT), The role of DPOs at the heart of EU coordinated action for 2023 (EN)
- Slovenian SA: Začetek usklajene skupne akcije nadzora glede vloge pooblaščenih oseb za varstvo podatkov (SI), Launch of coordinated enforcement on role of data protection officers (EN)
- Swedish SA: Samordnad undersökning av dataskyddsombudens roll (SV), Coordinated investigation of the role of data protection officers (EN)
- EDPS: Coordinated Enforcement Action on the role of data protection officers (EN)