28 May 2021

During its May plenary, the EDPB adopted the following documents:
- Opinion 16/2021 on the draft decision of the Belgian Supervisory Authority regarding the “EU Data Protection Code of Conduct for Cloud Service Providers” submitted by Scope Europe
- Opinion 17/2021 on the draft decision of the French Supervisory Authority regarding the European code of conduct submitted by the Cloud Infrastructure Service Providers (CISPE)
- Statement on the Data Governance Act in light of legislative developments
- Recommendations on the legal basis for the storage of credit card data for the sole purpose of facilitating further online transactions
- Opinion 18/2021 on the draft Standard Contractual Clauses submitted by the LT SA (Article 28(8) GDPR)
- Response to Mr. de Serpa Soares, Under-Secretary-General for Legal Affairs and UN Legal Counsel
- Response to Access Now on the process to identify a controller’s main establishment under the GDPR
- Letter to the European Commission on the protection of personal data in the AML-CFT legislative proposals