During its November plenary, the EDPB adopted a letter in reply to the UN concerning transfers to international organisations. In the letter, the EDPB welcomes the UN’s continuous participation in the Task Force on transfers to international organisations established by the European Data Protection Supervisor. The EDPB also renews its commitment to engage further with the UN on the shared mission of protecting human rights, including the right to privacy.
The EDPB also adopted a letter to ENISA concerning the European Cybersecurity Certification Scheme for Cloud Services’ (EUCS) compatibility with Schrems II. In the letter, the EDPB reiterates its stance from its May 19 letter to ENISA that the final certification scheme should be consistent with the obligations laid down in the GDPR and should facilitate the compliance of cloud service providers and their clients with the GDPR, also considering the Schrems II ruling.