The Coordinated Supervision Committee (CSC) elected Fanny Coudert from the European Data Protection Supervisor (EDPS) as its new coordinator for a term of two years. Ms. Coudert succeeds former coordinator Clara Guerra from the Portuguese Data Protection Authority (DPA).
Fanny Coudert will lead the work of the Committee with the support of Deputy Coordinators Sebastian Hümmeler from the Federal German DPA and Matej Sironic from the Slovenian DPA.
EDPB Chair Anu Talus said: “I would like to thank outgoing CSC coordinator Clara Guerra for her valuable work in the past years, which helped the CSC grow and expand. Today, the CSC ensures that the supervision of 5 bodies, agencies and systems is seamlessly coordinated by its members. This work is crucial for an EU without internal borders.”
I would also like to welcome Fanny Coudert and I look forward to working with her. I am confident that her expertise can contribute positively and significantly to the expanding workload of the CSC.”
Editor's note:
The Coordinated Supervision Committee ensures the coordinated supervision of the large EU Information Systems and of EU bodies, offices and agencies in accordance with Article 62 of Regulation 2018/1725 or with the EU legal act establishing the large scale IT system or EU body, office or agency. The Committee was created within the framework of the European Data Protection Board (EDPB) and brings together the EU supervisory authorities (SAs) and the European Data Protection Supervisor (EDPS), as well as the supervisory authorities of the Non-EU Schengen Member States, when foreseen under EU law.
The CSC currently covers the Internal Market Information system (IMI), Eurojust, the European Public Prosecutor’s Office (EPPO), Europol and the Schengen Information System (SIS). Gradually, the Committee will also cover other IT systems, bodies, offices and agencies in the fields of Border, Asylum and Migration (EES, Eurodac, ETIAS, VIS, and their interoperability), Police and Justice Cooperation (ECRIS-TCN) and the next generation Prüm.
You can find more information on the Committee here.
About the CSC Coordinator and Deputy Coordinators mandates:
The Coordinator and the Deputy Coordinators are designated for a term of two years starting from the date of their respective elections and they may be re-elected once for a further two years.
Deputy Coordinator Sebastian Hümmeler was re-elected for the second time on 29 November 2023 and Deputy Coordinator Matej Sironic was elected on 10 April 2024.